Woman called out for using multiple gift cards on first date. AITA?

“AITA for using gift cards to pay for dinner on my date”

In a recent dating scenario, an individual opted to use gift cards to pay for dinner at a local steakhouse. This choice, made to cover the meal expenses, sparked an unexpected reaction from their date. The individual, who had saved the gift cards from their job for a special occasion, was initially surprised by the negative feedback received.


One perspective argues that using gift cards is perfectly acceptable and reflects a thoughtful approach to managing finances. The key focus of dating should be on enjoying each other’s company rather than the method of payment. This viewpoint emphasizes that the quality of the experience and personal connection outweigh concerns about the payment method.

However, another viewpoint suggests that using gift cards might create a perception of frugality or a lack of genuine financial commitment. The issue with this is that it might imply a preference for inexpensive options or discounts, which some people might interpret negatively. This reaction can stem from a deeper judgment about financial habits and future expectations in a relationship.

Some suggest that if one anticipates such reactions, it might be better to initially choose a more modest dining option or handle the gift card transaction discreetly. This approach could potentially avoid any misunderstandings or negative perceptions associated with using gift cards on a date.

Overall, the situation highlights differing opinions on what constitutes acceptable behavior in dating scenarios, particularly regarding financial practices and how they influence perceptions.

The OP responded here:









