‘AITA getting revenge on a man when he refused to remove his hand from the empty seat?’


In this scenario, the pregnant woman, 30, regularly takes public transport to work and often gets offered seats due to her condition. On this particular day, she encountered a man sitting with his hand on an empty seat, claiming the seat was “taken” by his hand. Despite politely asking him to remove his hand so she could sit due to her pregnancy, the man refused, stating her condition wasn’t his concern.


Feeling exhausted and in discomfort, the pregnant woman decided to sit on the man’s hand as he continued to refuse to move it. This caused a scene, with the man reacting strongly and arguing about her behavior being inappropriate and disrespectful in public. The situation drew attention from other passengers, leaving the woman feeling ashamed.

When she recounted the incident to her husband, he expressed disapproval, agreeing with the man that her action was inappropriate and made him uncomfortable. He believed she could have handled the situation differently, possibly by seeking assistance from the bus driver or trying to de-escalate the conflict.

Reflecting on the incident, while the pregnant woman usually receives kindness from fellow passengers, this encounter turned confrontational due to the man’s refusal to yield the seat and her desperate need for rest. Despite feeling justified in her need to sit down, she acknowledges her action might not have been the best response to the situation.

Overall, the incident highlights a clash over seating etiquette and the challenges faced by pregnant individuals in public spaces, prompting discussions on appropriate behavior and empathy towards others’ needs in such situations.

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