Hollywood Stars’ Photos Recreated With A Funny Twist
“I Really Need To Wash The Dishes”
When you want to show your kids how dirty they left the dishes, even though you asked them multiple times to clean up after themselves.

Even though she doesn’t have a makeup team, lighting crew, and person doing her wardrobe, Celeste looks just as good as the original photo.
Style and Safety
We always wear heels when we ride our bikes too. Her son is probably asking his mom for his bike back.

Both of them look amazing, but Celeste is demonstrating better safety practices.
Having Children Expectation Vs. Reality
Have children, they said, it will be fun, they said. J.Lo makes motherhood look like a breeze and manages to hold a drink and carry her child at the same time.

Motherhood is far from easy. She shows that holding a child and a drink is not an easy thing to do.
When You Have To Wash Your Own Car
Why Bethenny Frankel felt the neep to do a backbend on top of the car is a mystery. How did she get herself into that position without falling, and how did she get down?

We love the dedication that went into recreating this picture because you know her neighbors saw her and thought, “what is wrong with that woman.”
Sia: The Craft Store Version
When you want to dress up like Sia, but you are on a dollar store budget. It looks like she ran through the craft store and grabbed the first items she saw.

Even though it is more craft store than couture, we think Sia would approve of this recreation because she loves odd things.
Backyard Photo Shoot
Even though she looks like she is putting in minimal effort, Beyonce still looks glamorous, standing in front of a sheet in someone’s backyard.

Anyone who isn’t Beyonce would look weird if they tried to recreate this, like Celeste.
“Buy My Merch”
When you are trying to recreate a Kylie Jenner picture and promote your own merchandise at the same time.

Whose shirt would you rather buy? We really like Celeste’s take on Kylie Jenner’s shirt.
When It Is Too Hot Outside, So You Sit In The Freezer
During the summer, have you ever been so hot you felt like sitting in a freezer? Don’t worry; it’s not that weird because celebrities have had the same thought too.

Sometimes you just want to escape the heat and climb into a freezing box, and that is ok. Just remember to take a picture so you can post it to Instagram.
Personal Hygiene is Important
Celebrities are just like ordinary people; they have to shave their armpits too. Although, when they shave their armpits, they document it for social media.

Self-grooming is important. Some people choose to shave, and others go natural. Whatever you decide, no one has to know about it.