Am I obligated to cook for my family when they’re so ungrateful?


From an outside perspective, the situation appears to be a clash of expectations and appreciation within the family dynamic. The protagonist, a 16-year-old who developed a passion for cooking, found joy in preparing meals for himself and eventually for his family. However, his efforts were met with ungratefulness and constant complaints from his parents and siblings about the meals he prepared. Despite attempting to accommodate everyone’s preferences, the continuous criticism took its toll on him.


The protagonist tried to address the issue with his family, expressing his concerns about their behavior and the lack of appreciation for his efforts. However, his concerns were dismissed by his parents, who suggested that such behavior was a normal part of family life. Feeling unvalued and disrespected, the protagonist decided to stop cooking for his family altogether and only prepared meals for himself.

This decision led to conflict within the family, with the parents expressing anger and disappointment over the protagonist’s refusal to cook for them. In response, the protagonist defended his actions, arguing that he no longer felt obligated to cater to their demands after enduring constant criticism and ungratefulness. This stance resulted in further tension between him and his parents, culminating in a two-week grounding.

While the protagonist’s refusal to cook for his family may seem drastic, it reflects his frustration and sense of injustice in the situation. He perceives his family’s behavior as disrespectful and unappreciative, leading him to prioritize his own well-being and interests over their demands. However, the extent of his response and the refusal to compromise may warrant reflection on both sides to find a resolution that addresses everyone’s needs and fosters mutual respect within the family.

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