
40+ Pizza Delivery Drivers Share the Wildest Reasons for Delivery Bans

Snowy Delivery

U/Alexis-Tse13: “There is no prohibition in my location; however, I have some anecdotes to share.” On a single occasion, I braved the snowy conditions to transport pizza on a motorcycle. To maintain my equilibrium, I ensured that both of my feet remained in contact with the ground, dragging them through the snow. Consequently, my shoes and socks became damp and chilly. Despite the other cars spinning out, I miraculously arrived at the destination unharmed.


I’m experiencing a low temperature sensation, with my fingers and toes feeling quite chilly. Suddenly, a large individual dressed in a bathrobe and tending to the fireplace opens the door. The individual opens the container, places his palm on the pizza, and expresses dissatisfaction with its temperature, stating, “It is cold; please return it.” He thought about hitting him, but swiftly walked away.

Ride-Along Ban

U/truffles45: “Remember that commercial where a group of people walk into a pizza place, order a pizza, and then ride home with the delivery driver?” In my hometown, an ongoing event was happening.


At the age of 15, although I never engaged in such behavior, there were several individuals who frequented the pub across the street and would occasionally engage in similar activity, typically in a cordial manner. However, on one occasion, an extremely intoxicated individual vomited forcefully into a car in the parking lot before departing. The spoiled pizzas left the car smelling of rancid cheese and unpleasantness for several weeks. The manager indicated that there would be no further occurrences. Only a phone call will initiate delivery.

Parking Lot Litter

One time, a woman came into my restaurant and placed an order. Afterwards, she discreetly removed all of her Popeyes garbage from the passenger seat and placed it next to her car in the parking lot in front of my store.


Upon her return, I informed the woman that she had passed by two garbage bins on her way back inside. I made it clear that I would not provide her with her lunch until she took responsibility for the litter she had discarded in our parking lot. She felt ashamed and walked in a somewhat embarrassed manner to tidy up.




Pizza Pursuit Payback

U/CarelessMethod9142 reported that there was an incident when a male and two females placed individual orders, but instead of waiting, they quickly took the pizzas and fled the scene. The females retrieved the meal and departed, while the gentleman was settling the bill. After a duration of 30 seconds, the individual swiftly departed. The order amounted to $100. The manager, who was an avid gym enthusiast, quickly jumped over the counter and pursued the situation. The two girls departed in a vehicle with the meal, but upon sighting my manager, they promptly drove away, abandoning the gentleman.


The manager pursued him for three city blocks and was closing in on the individual when the females arrived in their vehicle, and the individual promptly entered the automobile. Regrettably, all three individuals attended the same educational institution as the kitchen assistants employed at the store, providing us with their names, occupations, residences, and Facebook profiles. We reached out to all of them via Facebook and successfully compelled them to make payment for the pizzas the following morning, using the threat of involving law enforcement if they failed to comply. We also included them on the non-delivery list.

Pasta Puzzler Perplexed

“However, the most peculiar occurrence was when a particular woman would consistently make biweekly phone calls to request the delivery of a pasta dish.” This continued for an extended period of time. One evening, as I was collecting her order, I asked, “May I assume that you would like this delivered tonight?” She politely declined and asked for the delivery to take place the next day. We both chuckled, and I stated that I would meet you in 20 minutes.


I return to fulfill her request, and the telephone rings once more. She is the one. The individual states, “I intend to terminate my order.” Do you possess knowledge of the reason? I explicitly replied “no” when you asked if I preferred to have it delivered tonight. What is that? Subsequently, she abruptly terminated the call with me. She refrained from placing another order. Occasionally, thoughts of her still fill my mind.

Balloon Backfires

U/Scot42: “Compared to the other stories, this one is relatively mild. I want to clarify that I am not the delivery driver, but rather, I used to work at a small, family-owned pizza restaurant…”Following a single delivery, the mother, who is one of the owners, enters the premises in a furious manner, appearing completely soaked from head to toe. Evidently, after she knocked, a few children opened the door and bombarded her with water balloons.


Delivery will be suspended immediately. Interestingly, a few weeks later, I receive a phone call from the previously prohibited number/address, and I notify them that we are not accepting deliveries from that location. The individual inquires about the reason behind their lack of communication, as they have never made contact with us before. Additionally, considering their close proximity to us, it is unlikely that distance is a limiting factor. I inform him about the water balloons, and following a little period of stillness, he calmly responds with the words ‘I understand’. Thank you. ‘I will handle the matter.’ I anticipate that a few children had remorse for their prank on that particular evening.

Parchment Paper Paranoia

U/jonesey71: “A customer frequently requested a pizza with an exceptionally thin crust, requesting its packaging to include a sheet of parchment paper underneath.” I handed it over and rapped on her door. A huge picture window was adjacent to her front entrance, providing me with a clear view of her seated at the table… I made a second attempt to get her attention by knocking and maintaining direct eye contact, but she remained completely still, so I proceeded to return to my car. She hastily approached the door and vociferously accused me of pilfering her pizza… Subsequently, she loudly complained about the act of establishing visual contact with me.


Regardless, I decided not to complete the delivery due to the lack of gratuity, prompting me to proceed towards my vehicle. At this point, she threatened to involve law enforcement by stating her intention to call the police. Upon spotting a police officer stationed along the roadside, I promptly informed him about the lady’s peculiar behavior in order to preemptively address any potential issues. He informs me that 911 has blacklisted her phone number. The fire department and garbage company are also involved. As a result, she was placed on a blacklist.

Barking Ban Blacklist

U/shlam16: “I made a delivery to a location with an expansive front yard… The front of the house was completely dark, with no lighting. As I reached halfway into the darkness, the aggressive barking started. They had three guard dogs, but I can’t recall the exact breeds; this was roughly two decades ago. I abruptly stopped and emitted a powerful, resonant roar at them, characterized by a low, throaty sound. This caused them to come to a stop, but they still encircled me and persisted in their furious barking.


Eventually, the owner shows up and resolves the issue, but they do not extend an apology. I envision the potential for a multitude of adverse outcomes if the motorist were to get overwhelmed with fear and attempt to flee. When I returned to the store, my immediate action was to have them placed on a blacklist.

Counterfeit Cash Catch

“I had an encounter where a man openly displayed his money in front of me.” Although he did it rapidly, I managed to catch a glimpse of the amount and promptly took the money and left. This incident occurred towards the end of the evening, when I was eager to return home. Upon returning to the store, it was immediately apparent that a number of the high-denomination banknotes were counterfeit, bearing little resemblance to genuine currency.


As it was the final delivery of the evening, I possessed precise knowledge of the individual who provided me with the money, along with his phone number and residential address. What an utter imbecile. My supervisor, being a benevolent individual, provided the opportunity for the individual to rectify the situation by offering monetary compensation and apologia, thereby avoiding legal intervention. However, the supervisor ultimately prohibited the individual from further involvement.