
40+ Pizza Delivery Drivers Share the Wildest Reasons for Delivery Bans

Prank Call Cutoff

U/LuckyBlackberry2629: “Although I wasn’t a delivery driver, I used to work at a location where only one pizza establishment provided delivery services.” Two of my colleagues made a deliberate phone call to them with the intention of playing a practical joke by using an improper name (which I cannot recall). As a result, they refused to provide us with any more of their services.


Undoubtedly, others did not accept those two individuals well for a considerable period of time.

Upscale Order Outrage

U/Ironshallows: “During my time at university 16 years ago, I worked as a delivery person for a high-end Indian restaurant. On one occasion, I received an order worth $190 from a woman who was hosting an all-girls night. Despite delivering the order, she only tipped me $2 and had the audacity to complain about my punctuality.” She lived just a short 5-minute drive away from the location. Only 8 minutes had passed since the kitchen prepared the food, which was still quite hot.


I added her to the blacklist, and as a result, none of the other drivers were willing to make deliveries to her. For several months, she pleaded with the restaurant owner, who eventually made threats to terminate all of our employment because of her persistence. Finally, she entered and made a commitment to tip a minimum of 5% on each order. The owner responded with disbelief, stating that she either tipped 20% or continued to pick up her own orders. Ultimately she consented. We would have been content with a 10% share, to be frank. However, even he became frustrated with Karen.

Far-Fetched Food Fiasco

“During my employment at a pizza establishment, we had to blacklist a particular phone number. This individual would make bimonthly calls requesting delivery but would provide an address that was located 1.5 hours away, requiring a one-way trip.” Each time they called, they consistently provided only the essential details of the address, perhaps assuming that we would already have the driver dispatched with the meal by the time we understood the distance involved.


After obtaining the desired city and zipcode, we would inform them that their location is more than an hour away and falls outside our extensive delivery range. However, they would persistently argue by stating, “We are currently house-sitting for the owner who regularly orders food from your establishment a few times per week.” This was the sole number that ever made calls from this address, and on the day we stopped it, I explicitly informed them of this fact.


Pizza Theft Threats

U/bluegreenwookie reported that someone illicitly appropriated the pizza from the delivery person. She was a petite driver, and he was a significantly larger individual. He forcibly seized the pizza from her grasp, declined to provide payment, and subsequently secured his door after issuing a threat. The police took no action.


Yet another individual failed to remember that they had placed a food order and proceeded to intimidate the driver, who arrived at the location on the assumption that they were there to commit a robbery.

Sleepy Slice Saga

U/weaseltorpedo: “Although I haven’t worked as a pizza driver for 21 years, those experiences have left a lasting impression on me.” I worked the shift from 4pm to 4am, and the most significant challenge was managing customers who passed out after placing their orders but before we reached their destination. It occurred frequently, particularly because we were the only establishment that continued to serve pizzas beyond the bar’s closing time.


I would ascend, repeatedly sound the bell, and ultimately glance through a window. It is somewhat amusing to observe a set of legs protruding from the edge of a sofa, adorned with a single sock, while the television and lights remain illuminated and the legs themselves remain motionless. Amusing and bothersome.

Driveway Drama Delivery

U/SaladinShui: “This incident happened at a store where I worked, even though I wasn’t the one operating the vehicle.” We have received a request for delivery of an item. Due to the rural setting, there was a considerable space between residences, and many of them had extensive gravel drives.


The delivery driver is ascending the driveway cautiously to avoid damaging his vehicle when suddenly somebody emerges from the bushes directly in front of him. The woman enters the passenger side of the car, pays the driver for the pizza, and instructs him to take her to the bar. The driver, who was somewhat introverted and friendly, willingly complies. Subsequently, we received a phone call at the store from her spouse, informing us that our driver had absconded with his spouse.

Upside-Down Pizza Ploy

U/Snoo_79693: “I encountered a customer who, on multiple occasions, would complain that the pizza I delivered appeared to have flipped over, resulting in its ruin.” They consistently criticized me for ‘negligently maneuvering around corners and causing the pizza to slide over the seat.’ Once, I compelled my manager to accompany me. She grasped the pizza tightly, and I swiftly snatched it from her hands.


After delivering the pizza, he promptly calls back. ‘The pizza is spoiled; it appears that he accidentally dropped it upside down once more.’ The manager stated that she personally accompanied him on the journey and carried the pizza herself. She specifically informed him that he could not receive deliveries in the future and could only choose pickup or dine-in options.

Food Fight Fallout

U/lettucejuice37: “There was a frequent customer we delivered to who would consistently make complaints in order to receive refunds or complimentary food.” On the previous occasion, we explicitly denied her request, but she disregarded our response and proceeded to drive to the store, where she aggressively hurled the food at the store owner’s sister.


We informed her of her banishment and told her we were summoning law enforcement, prompting her to hastily depart. Several weeks or perhaps a couple of months later, she made another attempt to place an order. However, someone informed her that she could not place the order. In response, she said, ‘Are you aware of the identity of my father?’ My employer responded negatively and abruptly ended the call. She has made several other attempts since then, but she is currently prohibited.

Tip-Trouble Takedown

U/Sherman reported that the individual’s location was slightly beyond the designated delivery area, but he made an exception for them due to their consistent $10 tip. He would consistently refer to the store as d-——. Once, during a phone conversation, two of my colleagues engaged in a playful banter. However, the person on the other end of the line overheard their conversation and became quite angry, mistaking it for a personal attack. They even went as far as threatening to visit the store and physically harm the managers.


He had always displayed extreme paranoia during our earlier conversations, but this incident was the final straw. We placed him on a blacklist and banned him from both our store and our sister business. Unfortunately for him, no other local franchises delivered.