
40+ Pizza Delivery Drivers Share the Wildest Reasons for Delivery Bans

Psych Ward Pizza

“I made a delivery to a building located in a residential neighborhood that I had never seen before. Based on my observations, I presumed it to be an assisted living facility that I was previously unaware of.” Upon entering, a nurse approaches me and inquires as to the reason for my presence. I have arrived. While I was informing her about receiving an order from a certain individual, she was attempting to convey to me that this was implausible due to his lack of financial resources, and therefore, he should not have been able to contact us.


I entered the room but did not proceed any further. They turned out all the lights; it’s now around 9 p.m., and the room is in complete darkness. He is speaking from an undisclosed location, demanding my presence. No, definitely not. I placed the meal outdoors, directly in front of the entrance, and then departed. He phoned the store to express his vehement anger. The manager promptly prohibited him from placing another order.

Delivery Dilemma Detour

Redditor munchkin1977 mentioned that the shop they used to work for offered a variety of items in addition to pizzas and pastas. We encountered an individual who would place an order and then contact the store, claiming that an item was missing from his order. We noticed this recurring pattern every time he placed an order, so we were aware of it rapidly.


On the last occasion, when he performed a similar action, the boss had a conversation with him and informed him that three distinct staff members had verified the order to ensure that all items were present (which was indeed the truth). However, he was attempting to assert that we had clearly not conducted a thorough check. At that moment, the employer added him to the list of prohibited individuals.

Coupon Confrontation Cop-Out

“At the age of 24, I encountered a man who angrily berated me for not delivering the complimentary dessert and additional pie that he claimed to be entitled to by using a coupon.” After threatening me with physical violence unless I retrieved them, he transformed into a red tomato. However, he regained his composure when a fortuitous police officer, who happened to be passing by, overheard his irrational behavior.


I was fortunate that the police officer happened to be nearby. The compensation I receive is insufficient to handle individuals of his nature who exhibit clownish behavior.


Checkmate Check Chaos

U/Djx97: “I observed two customers attempting to settle a $113 bill with a check, despite our policy prohibiting such payment methods.” There was a debate regarding the course of action, and the boyfriend attempted to persuade me that he was the direct descendant of the individual who initiated our business franchise (which was not true, and our particular store was not owned by that individual). The girlfriend tore up the check before we told them we would accept it.


The individuals issued a threat of initiating legal proceedings, prompting the owner to contact law enforcement authorities. I returned to the store with the whole stock of food, which we ultimately donated to a nearby fire department due to our inability to utilize it.

Timing Terrors Trio

I placed an order for a pizza at 9:45pm at U/Large-Meat-Feast. I came at 9:44pm and found the place unoccupied. I contacted him, and he informed me that he was more than 20 minutes away. However, he proceeded to reprimand me for arriving early. Additionally, I received a phone call informing me of a one-hour delay in the delivery. I arrived 62 minutes later than expected, which was unsatisfactory because I was tardy.


A third party placed an order for a pizza and garlic bread. I requested a modification to my order by changing it to a platter, which consists of half a pizza accompanied with fries and coleslaw while still retaining the garlic bread. Upon receipt, he promptly contacted the company to report that his order was incorrect and requested a replacement. The shop asked him to return his original order once they had replaced it. Instead, he had bestowed it upon his children and was perplexed as to why he was not receiving a complimentary second purchase.

Sleepy Pizza Woes

Redditor u/sodium_lights shared a story about their experience delivering pizza, recalling a customer who would consistently order food and then promptly fall asleep. Regardless of our vigorous attempts to wake him, he remained unresponsive. Without a doubt, leaving the shop with many deliveries was an enormous time-wasting activity for us.


On a few occasions, he would awaken approximately 4 hours later and inquire about the whereabouts of his food (as we operated during late hours), although we frequently did not receive any further communication from him. This occurred on perhaps 5 or 6 occasions prior to receiving instructions to only accept his directives when he was physically there. Additionally, we had an individual who consistently provided gratuity in the form of bags filled with coins. He did not receive a ban or any other form of punishment. We strongly despised him.

Pizza Scam Shuffle

U/birnabear: “Typically, the goal was to obtain complimentary pizza.” A customer placed an order about midnight. When I arrived, I found the location empty. I attempted to contact the mobile number, but there was no response. I returned to the store, and the individual had contacted the store to provide an alternative address, so I proceeded to that location instead. The individual I encountered asserted that the store manager had informed him over the phone about his entitlement to complimentary pizza.


As the situation appeared dubious, I took the initiative to contact the manager directly, and his response was assertive, stating ‘w-no’. After several complaints, I eventually compelled him to pay for it and hand it over. Furthermore, he attempted to bribe me in order to obtain it without any cost. He shared a chuckle with the manager and then took his contact details off the delivery list.

Care Home Chaos

U/Kaylii: “We prohibited the staff of a nearby nursing home from receiving deliveries and required them to make payments over the phone for pickups.” They would frequently place orders for pickup but fail to appear, resulting in wasted time, money, and food.


Pizza Price Ploy

U/Maximusau: “I worked as a driver while I was studying. Upon my arrival, I was informed that it would take 31 minutes for the pizza to be delivered to me. I declined, stating that the restaurant in question was not ours. I then informed them that the total cost would be 45 units, since they had ordered 6 pizzas. However, they expressed dissatisfaction, claiming that the pizzas they received were not the ones they had desired.


I agreed.However, he subsequently stated that we may obtain such items without charge and receive them immediately on the next occasion. Indeed, I mentioned that the pizzas are incorrect, but, the boxes are not provided without charge, and you are required to remunerate for them at a rate of 15 dollars per box. He subsequently instructed me to leave and I firmly advised him to refrain from contacting me again.

Delivery Drama Diaries

U/rockstar638831 reported multiple incidents of credit card theft, instances of shortchanging, an incident when a customer became frustrated and poured water at a driver, and the permanent banning of a customer for stalking two staff.

We barred one individual for sending an inappropriate image to the driver, banned another for hurling rocks at a driver, banned a couple for complaining about refunds while consuming half of the food, dealt with instances of counterfeit cash, and dealt with one carjacking case. I am unable to recall the remainder.

The stories from pizza delivery drivers offer a fascinating glimpse into the unexpected challenges of the job. The wild reasons behind delivery bans highlight the diverse and sometimes amusing experiences drivers face while navigating customer interactions. By exploring these unusual scenarios, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the delivery profession and the lengths drivers go to ensure smooth service.