Business Owner Refused To Pay Her Two Decades Ago, So Now She Gets Revenge By Denying Him A Lucrative Contract

Reddit Comments:
BoredBSEE Said:

motorsizzle Said:

canvasshoes2 Said:

In my early 20s, I moved to a new city to start my career and life. I found a promising opportunity at a small firm, but the owner refused to offer me a job. I worked hard but it wasn’t a fit, and the owner rubbed me the wrong way. I found a good job and a great career, but I always kept tabs on the owner for revenge.
At just over twenty years, I became a senior leader in a large national company that hired firms. As the lead executive on the procurement team, I assisted in moving the firm to the next stage of bidding. Although I could have shut them down immediately, I voted for the other firm, which was better.
I called the owner 20 years ago and told him that the proposal was not the right fit, but he had great exposure to their process. The firm must have done about 200 hours of work on their proposal, so I figured that was payback for my 16 hours of work with 20 years of interest.