Employee's Good Brandy Kept Disappearing, So He Got Revenge by Replacing It with Something Else

Employee’s Good Brandy Kept Disappearing, So He Got Revenge by Replacing It with Something Else


In the bustling factories of Eastern Europe during the 1980s, workplace culture often included drinking on the job. Among the workers was a man who had a penchant for brandy, often stashing his prized bottles in a communal locker. Unfortunately, the factory’s lax security made it a prime target for thieves, and soon enough, his brandy was disappearing with alarming regularity.

Frustrated by the constant theft, this clever worker devised a plan to catch the culprit. He filled an empty brandy bottle with his urine, cleverly disguising it as the real thing. Locking it back in his locker, he awaited the thief’s inevitable return. The next day, to his amusement, the bottle was missing once again, prompting him to loudly inquire about his “medical sample” in front of his coworkers.

Free Locker room with Benches Stock Photo

Image credits: Ivan Samkov (not the actual photo)

His inquiry turned heads, and one particular worker, who had likely taken the bait, turned beet red with embarrassment. The incident sparked a commotion, with the accused yelling at the father for leaving such a hazardous item in a locker meant for drinks. The fallout from this humorous encounter was swift; the nickname “piss drinker” stuck, and the locker thief never dared to touch another bottle again.

This story serves as a humorous reminder of how creativity can outsmart dishonesty in the workplace. Not only did the father reclaim his locker, but he also ensured that future thieves would think twice before taking what wasn’t theirs. The incident became a legendary tale among factory workers, showcasing the lengths one might go to protect their belongings in an environment where camaraderie often mingled with mischief.

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