AITA for Responding to My In-Laws Excluding Me From Family Brunches and Dinners?
During their visits, a man is regularly overlooked by his wife,s family and stays in his own home as in a woman of low esteem. After three years of marriage, he relocated cross-country for her job, and he frequently holds court for her family on Middle East visits that last weeks. But, every time she visits, there are family outings — brunch or dinner — he is never a part of. While he has repeatedly indicated that he is uncomfortable with this, his concerns have either been dismissed or ignored.
His most recent trip ended in a furious altercation when he was not told about a family get together for his father-in-law’s birthday. His exclusion created resentment, and when his wife insulted him in her family amongst others, he returned the favor. His wife then came out to say he made her mother cry and that the family was going to leave early for a lake resort. Now, he wonders if his reaction was warranted, or if it was an overreaction.
Everyone wants their in-laws to welcome them with open arms, but in reality, things don’t always go as planned

The man explained that he had been married to his Middle Eastern wife for three years and that during that time, her family kept leaving him out of their get-togethers

Balancing Cultural Dynamics, Communication, and Boundaries
Exclusion and Respect in Shared Spaces
Not being allowed to go to family reunion in one hand is a endeavor on respect. Inclusivity Peaches: Family Dynamics- Being welcome at the table, Psychology Today The husband is always excluded when his home is the venue of such important occasion, even if he does contribute to hosting an event, he is not made or even invited.
Therefore, it is understandable that he is frustrated and that made clear his concerns many times — and never addressed. The hushed tone, especially his wife saying, “You could have asked” shows there is no consideration of his point of view.