Clever Hacks That Make Airplane Travel so Much Easier

Here’s How to Avoid Swollen Feet After Flying

Flying to new places is such a fantastic experience, but let’s be real: it comes with its downsides too. One common issue, especially on longer flights, is that your blood flow can slow down. This might lead to swelling in your feet and hands, which can be pretty uncomfortable. While it’s usually not a major problem, there are definitely things you can do before and during your flight to help relieve and prevent this.


For starters, make it a point to stretch and move around every once in a while. It’s important to keep that blood flowing! Before you even board the plane, consider doing some light yoga or simple stretches. Even just a few minutes can really benefit your body and help you feel more relaxed.

Once you’re in the air, don’t hesitate to get up and walk around the plane. It might feel a bit awkward at first, but trust me, it’s worth it! Stretching your legs and moving around can make a big difference in how you feel during and after the flight. Plus, it can help you avoid that heavy, sluggish feeling when you land.


Fitness reloaded/ Maria

So, remember to take care of your body while you’re flying. A little movement goes a long way in making your travel experience more enjoyable. Safe travels, and happy flying!

Don’t Forget to Add a Bag to Your Booking

When you’re booking your flight, one of the best travel tips is to always add a checked bag to your reservation right away. Trust me, this can save you some serious cash! Typically, it’s way cheaper to pay for a bag when you’re buying your ticket than it is to deal with those pricey airport fees later on.

But here’s a little insider tip: even if you forget to add a bag before you leave for the airport, you can still handle it easily. Just whip out your phone! Whether you’re using a browser or an airline app, you can usually pay for your checked bag right there. It’s super convenient and can save you a lot of money in the long run.



Plus, this way, you can avoid those crazy airport prices that seem to pop up out of nowhere. You know the ones I mean—those inflated fees that make you cringe when you see them! And don’t even get me started on the long lines at the check-in counter. By taking care of your bag in advance, you can skip a lot of the hassle.

So, next time you book a flight, remember to add that checked bag to your reservation or handle it on your phone if you forget. It’ll save you both time and money, making your travel experience much smoother. Happy travels!

You’ll Always Pick the Faster Line With This Trick

Here’s a cool trick that’s not just clever, but also taps into some interesting psychology! It might make you feel like a little mind hacker, and guess what? It really works. When you arrive at the airport and need to pick a security line, always opt for the one that’s farther to the left.

You might be wondering why this matters. Well, the truth is that most people tend to choose the line on the right. Why? Because most people are right-handed and naturally gravitate toward their dominant side. When it comes to lines, folks often pick the side that feels stronger and more familiar to them.



So, if you go left, you’re likely to find a shorter line! It’s a simple change, but it can save you a lot of time and hassle. Instead of getting stuck behind a crowd of right-handed travelers, you can breeze through security with ease.

Next time you’re at the airport, remember this little trick. It might just give you a leg up on the rest of the crowd and get you through security faster. Happy travels, and enjoy that extra time you’ll have on the other side!

How to Finally Keep Your Suitcase Fresh

We all know how tough it can be to find the time to wash your clothes, especially if you’re constantly on the move. Plus, let’s not even get started on how pricey it can be to get everything dry cleaned! Nobody wants to fly home with a suitcase full of stinky, wet clothes—it’s just not a pleasant experience. But here’s a super simple solution to keep your clothes smelling fresh while you travel.

All you need to do is grab some scented dryer sheets and toss them in your bag before you head out. These little sheets work wonders! They’ll absorb any unpleasant odors and leave your clothes smelling clean and fresh until you get a chance to do your actual laundry.

You can slip the dryer sheets into your suitcase or even tuck them between your worn clothes. It’s a quick and easy way to keep everything smelling nice, no matter how long you’re away from home.


So, next time you pack for a trip, don’t forget to bring along those scented dryer sheets. They’re a small item that can make a big difference in keeping your clothes—and your travel experience—much more enjoyable. Happy travels, and here’s to fresh-smelling luggage!

Sleeping Kits Will Change Your Life

You know how on long-haul flights they sometimes give you those sleeping masks that just don’t stay on your face? Or those flimsy plastic earbuds that seem to break the moment you touch them? Yeah, we’ve all been there! And while you might find similar items in hotel rooms, wouldn’t it be so much better to create your own travel comfort kit?

Here’s a little tip: pack your own essentials before your next trip! Start with a good pair of earbuds—ones that actually fit comfortably and provide decent sound quality. Trust me, they’ll make a world of difference when you’re trying to enjoy some in-flight entertainment.

Next, grab a quality eye mask. The ones provided by airlines can be hit or miss, but if you bring your own, you’ll have something that truly helps block out the light and allows you to catch some much-needed sleep.


nhcollectioncalderon/ Instagram

Oh, and don’t forget about cozy socks and maybe even some comfy boots! Your feet will thank you after hours of sitting in a cramped airplane seat. Plus, wearing comfy socks can help you stay warm during the flight.

By packing your own kit, you won’t have to worry about shelling out extra money for those subpar airline amenities that someone else might have already used. You’ll have everything you need for a more comfortable journey, and you’ll feel much better prepared. So, next time you’re planning a trip, take a moment to assemble your own travel comfort kit. Happy travels and restful flights!

How to Avoid Germs on the Plane

When you’re on an airplane, it’s not uncommon to share the same air with a bunch of other passengers for hours on end. This can definitely lead to some discomfort and, let’s be honest, nobody wants to catch a cold or any other germs while traveling. So, here’s a little tip to help you stay healthy during your flight: keep the air conditioning vents above you fully open.

By cranking that air up, you’ll create a nice breeze around you that helps circulate the air and push away any germs. Sure, it might feel a bit chilly, but it’s worth it to keep those pesky particles at bay. Plus, if you can manage to lean back in your seat and relax a bit, lying down can help minimize your exposure to airborne germs even more.

Of course, staying healthy isn’t just about the air! Make sure to keep your hands clean throughout the flight. Bring along some hand sanitizer or wipes, and use them after touching surfaces like tray tables or armrests.

And don’t forget about your clothing! Wearing layers can help you adjust to the temperature changes on the plane, and it also keeps you cozy.

So, remember to prioritize your health while you’re flying. With a few simple steps—keeping the air vents open, staying clean, and dressing comfortably—you can help protect yourself and enjoy your travels without the worry of getting sick. Safe travels, and here’s to healthy adventures!


Pack All of These Essentials in Your Carry-On

When you’re traveling, it’s common to have those long days and nights where you find yourself spending tons of time in airports or on trains. Sometimes, you just can’t manage to shower or clean up, which can feel pretty gross, especially if you’ve been sweating or wearing the same clothes for days. But don’t worry! There are some easy ways to feel a lot fresher on the go.

One of the best things you can do is pack a few extra essentials in your carry-on. Always throw in some extra pants, socks, and underwear. Trust me, having a clean pair of socks or underwear can make a world of difference when you’re on the road. And if you have space, consider packing a whole new outfit to change into once you get off the plane. It’s like a little refresh button for your trip!


indian_flights via Instagram

Another great idea is to pack some travel-sized toiletries like deodorant, a hairbrush, and even a small perfume. These little items can really help you feel more put together after a long day of traveling. While it’s not quite the same as a nice, long shower, it’s definitely better than nothing!

So, when you’re getting ready for your next adventure, think about what you can pack to help you stay comfortable and fresh. A few extra items can go a long way in making your journey more enjoyable. Happy travels, and here’s to feeling great on the go!

Portable Chargers Are the Best Investment

If you don’t have a portable charger yet, we can’t help but wonder—where have you been?! Okay, that might sound a bit harsh, but seriously, portable chargers are such lifesavers these days. Not too long ago, we didn’t even have these handy gadgets, but now that we do, there’s no way we’d ever go back to life without them!

Having a portable charger in your bag means you’ll never have to panic about that dreaded “20% battery left” message on your phone. Whether you’re traveling, out for the day, or just need a little extra juice to make it through the afternoon, these little devices are a game changer.

There are tons of options out there, from budget-friendly models to higher-end ones that can keep your devices charged for hours. It’s all about finding the right one for you. Look for something that fits your budget and has good reviews. Your mental well-being will definitely thank you when you don’t have to stress about finding an outlet!



So, if you haven’t already, consider investing in a portable charger. It’s one of those small things that can make a big difference in your daily life, especially when you’re on the go. Stay charged and stay connected!

Switching Seats Can Be Easy With This Simple Trick

Let’s be honest: almost nobody wants to end up in the middle seat on a plane. It’s cramped, uncomfortable, and you’re stuck next to other people, which can make the whole experience a bit stressful. Plus, there’s nothing worse than needing to go to the bathroom while the person in the aisle seat is sound asleep—it’s like a game of “how do I make this work?”

But don’t worry! I’ve got a great hack that could help you avoid that dreaded middle seat. There are actually several websites out there that let you set up alerts for flight changes. When someone cancels their trip or switches their seat, these systems will notify you right away. This way, if a better seat opens up, you can jump on it!

Imagine being able to snag an aisle or window seat at the last minute—it’s like finding a little travel jackpot! Just take a few moments to research these sites before your trip, and set up those alerts. It’s an easy way to increase your chances of having a more comfortable flight.



So, next time you’re booking a flight, consider using these alert systems. You’ll be one step closer to avoiding that middle seat and making your journey a lot more enjoyable. Happy travels, and here’s to better seating arrangements!