Hilarious Accurate Comic Depicting Cat’s Reaction To Barking Dogs

Cat personalities can vary greatly.
When comparing cats and dogs, one noticeable difference is their temperament. Dogs are known for their energetic and playful personalities, while cats are regarded as more laid-back and independent. This difference can significantly impact the dynamic between pet owners and their furry companions, and the interactions between different pets can be quite interesting.
For instance, a dog’s high energy levels might clash with a cat’s desire for solitude, potentially leading to household conflicts. Understanding and respecting each pet’s unique personality is critical to creating a harmonious environment for all the animals involved. This is also what Ben Hed, the artist behind the Pixie and Brutus comics, aims to convey. While he is best known for these comics, he has much more to offer. Anyone who owns a dog or a cat will undoubtedly relate to the following comic.
Scroll down to see for yourself, and enjoy.
Source: Instagram
#1 Dogs sure do love to look out the windows.

Via Ben Hed
#2 This is especially true when you live on a busy street and there are always cars going by.

Via Ben Hed
#3 They will start barking and heaven forbid if you have more than one dog, because it can turn into chaos.

Via Ben Hed
#4 Cats are generally much more laid-back, and some even hate the disturbance and noise.

Via Ben Hed
#5 It is clear that this cat had enough, and going wrong was the only way to get them to see reason.

Via Ben Hed
#6 But sadly, it did not work.

Via Ben Hed
Ben Hed’s comics frequently highlight the humorous and sometimes challenging dynamics between different types of pets, emphasizing the value of patience and understanding in multi-pet households. Through his art, he captures the essence of these relationships in a way that is relatable to pet owners everywhere. With 2.5 million followers, his colorful work justifies every one of them, if not more.
We also decided to add some more animal-themed comics depicting a scenario of humans flirting with different animals by Ben Hed that I am sure you will enjoy.

Via Ben Hed
Long necks sure are attractive.

Via Ben Hed
Can you even imagine what he can do with that neck?

Via Ben Hed
Sometimes you may look intimidating on the outside, even though you may be a softie inside.

Via Ben Hed
However, that does not apply to black widow spiders.

Via Ben Hed
To be fair, humans already go by this custom, as a diamond is just an unnecessarily expensive rock.

Via Ben Hed
Maybe we need to bring back stone rings.

Via Ben Hed
In sloth culture, the female is the one doing the work.

Via Ben Hed
At least that is what it seems like, but I would love to try this.

Via Ben Hed
A lot of people enjoy Ben Hed’s comics.

We are more similar to animals than we think.

I mean, we are technically animals.

These things are quite similar to what humans already do.

Although I haven’t tried screaming while in a tree to find a partner.

What are your thoughts about these comics? Did you know that Ben Hed draws more than just Pixie and Brutus adventures? Did you enjoy these comics just as much? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share these illustrations with your friends so they can voice their opinions as well.