Playground dad gets called 'predator' while watching his daughters. AITA? MAJOR UPDATES.

“I got called a predator today while watching my daughters at the park. AITA?”


lillyboro writes:



The author, a stay-at-home dad, shares his experience of being called a predator while watching his daughters at the park. He describes how society often treats men who take on traditionally women’s duties as weak and less of a man.

The author shares a personal experience where a woman questioned his presence at the park, leading to a confrontation with the police. The author acknowledges that if he were a woman, he might have made a mom-friend.

He also shares a personal experience where a daycare worker is not allowed to be alone with the kids, while his female colleagues have more freedom. The author calls for a more accepting society for men taking on childcare roles.

Any thoughts on OP’s dilemma? What would YOU have done in his situation?

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