Funny Instagram Editing Mishaps
Pictures You Post Vs Pictures People Tag You In
This is the boy who went viral for licking a public toilet seat and calling it the “coronavirus challenge,” and then he tested positive for the virus. He was interviewed on TV and people saw what he looks like without editing.

It is going to be hard for him to post these overly edited pictures now that everyone knows what he looks like without a filter.
Look At The Reflection In His Sunglasses
If you look at the reflection in the sunglasses, you will notice that they do not match the surroundings of this photo. It is a reflection of someone taking a selfie in their car.

This man must have photoshopped his head onto someone else’s body and pretended it was him. He forgot to make sure all the details were fixed.
One Tiny Hand, One Monster Hand
She must favor one of her arms because it looks much bigger and stronger than the other one.

We are sure this was not how she wanted the photo to look, but she also wanted to appear extra skinny, and her arms were sacrificed.
Objects In The Mirror Are Curvier Than They Appear
We are not sure if she edited the reflection or her actual body. It appears that she made her butt bigger in the reflection, but not on her actual body.

She looks beautiful either way, so why go through the trouble of editing it so much.
That Cannot Be The Same Person
On the left side, you can see the pictures this woman posted on Instagram. The right side is photos of her on TV. She looks like two different people.

A filter, smoothing, and good lighting can change your appearance drastically.
Those Are The Whitest Eyeballs
We know that makeup can do wonders to change a person’s appearance, but that is not the problem here. The problem is that we have never seen an eyeball as white and bright as her edited picture.

It is almost blinding because of how bright it is. Also, your eyes naturally have visible veins, so what happened to hers?
The Camera Adds 10 Pounds And Photoshop Takes Away 15
This girl is gorgeous and looks stunning in the unedited picture, but she posted the other overly edited photo where she looks much skinnier.

People should be promoting confidence with your natural curves instead of feeling like everyone has to look a certain way.
Forget Catfishing, He Is Blackfishing
Have you ever seen someone online and then you meet them in person and they look nothing like their photos? Well, people must be shocked when they meet this guy.

We are not sure what he really looks like but it is bizarre and sending a bad message to his followers.
Where Do Her Organs Go?
The longer you look at this, the more ridiculous it seems. It looks like she is trying the paper waist challenge to make her look as small as possible.

It is incredible how her pants are staying on if this is her natural body, but we think there was definitely some editing.
Seems Legit
Her butt is so big it bends space, time, and reality. The problem here is that shadows never lie, and the wonky wood was a giveaway that it was edited.

We doubt anyone believed that this was real.