Middle School tyrant finds out no one likes her.

Middle School Drama: A Vice Principal’s Humbling Police Fundraiser Experience


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The author recounts their experience with a middle school tyrant who was a dictator and had a friend named Pat. Pat, a middle-aged woman, was known for her aggressive behavior towards children, threatening to leave them in their neighborhood if they made her stop twice. The author initially got on the bus driver’s radar when Pat left them on a busy road, but later, she tried to get them involved in a petty revenge.

After fighting with the bus driver and the Assistant Principal, the author’s mom put Karen the Assistant Principal up for arrest. The police would arrest her until she could raise bail money. Despite her efforts, no one would give her the money, and she spent most of the day in the police precinct. The author’s mom eventually had to let her go, and she was the only one who didn’t raise bail money that day.

The author’s friend heard her complaining about the incident, but the other teachers gave nothing and none of her friends helped out. The author’s mother asked her about her jail time, and the author heard a “Reeeeeee” sound from a human. This incident highlights the petty nature of the school tyrant and the importance of understanding the consequences of their actions.