Most Paused Movie Scenes In The History Of Hollywood

Wild Things (1998)

The 1998 American neo-noir crime film went on to make $67.2 million in the box office. It gained notoriety for its more explicit scenes than what was common in the mainstream.

Wild Things (1998)

There was one scene in the movies in which actress Neve Campbell and Denise Richards share a passionate kiss in a pool. So, many viewers couldn’t help but press the pause button again and again.

Tron (1982)

Although there has been a sequel of 1982’s Tron, it will always have a warm place in the hearts of many people. After all, it has many scenes in the movie that won people over.

Tron (1982)

For instance, David Warner, who plays Ed Dillinger, can be seen playing a quick game of Pac-Man. If you don’t believe us, look at the iconic circular character.

She’s the Man (2006)

Although 2006 comedy film She’s the Man is not based on the works of William Shakespeare, it is somewhat of a modernized version of the play Twelfth Night.

She’s the Man (2006)

In the movie, Amanda Bynes gets into a soccer team while posing a man. When she is caught, she pulls her top up to confirm the fact that she is a young woman. So, it is quite obvious that many viewers paused that scene.

Boogie Nights (1997)

The subject matter of Paul Thomas Anderson’s Boogie Nights is quite unique. In the movie, Mark Wahlberg’s character Dirk Diggler is an aspiring adult movie star who starts to become someone else.

Boogie Nights (1997)

While viewers did pause for a number of scenes, there is one particular scene in which almost everyone had to pause it. In the scene, Diggler takes his shirt off in front of the crew and people get to see whatever was underneath.

Teen Wolf (1985)

This coming-of-age rom/com fantasy film was a huge commercial success. 1985 was the year of Michael J. Fox as he was the star of Back to the Future as Marty McFly and also the entertaining movie Teen Wolf (which later influenced a supernatural drama series of the same name).

Teen Wolf (1985)

The end of the movie was quite predictable, but there was one thing that viewers didn’t expect to see. At the end of the movie, a random guy is standing in the background with his pants down! Yeah, so now you know why it was the most paused scene of the film.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)

Did you notice the little Easter Egg in the corner of one scene in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace? You can see that a group of aliens that appeared in E.T. can also be seen cheering.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)

It is because George Lucas was paying homage to Steven Spielberg since Spielberg did the same thing when he dressed up a child in a Yoda costume in his movie E.T.

Cabin in the Woods (2012)

This 2012 American horror comedy received rave reviews and became an instant cult-favorite. Although it is a horror-comedy film, it has one of the most paused scenes for very different reasons. There is a scene in which scientists are trying to figure out what could happen to the main characters. The viewers can see a whiteboard that has a list of creatures that are under the control of scientists.

Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Fans of horror movies pressed the paused button to get a look at all the monsters on the list. If you haven’t watched the movie yet, give it a try – Chris Hemsworth is in the movie as well (not as a monster).

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Remember Sid, the evil kid who loves to dismember toys? In the first Toy Story (1995), Buzz and Woody get locked up by him.

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Only die-hard fans of the movie series noticed that Sid showed up as a garbage man in Toy Story 3. Sid was mean to everyone and it is rather a fitting end for en evil kid like Sid.

Titanic (1997)

Titanic was released in 1997 and the entire world fell in love with it. While the movie went on to become the highest-grossing film of that time, there was one scene that left everyone speechless. Yes, we are talking about the scene in which Jack draws Rose “like one of his French girls.”

Titanic (1997)

We have to say that it is not a cheap scene to make the movie hit. The drawing plays an important role at the end of the story. If you haven’t watched it yet, we urge you to give it a shot. You’ll fall in love with the movie.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Some people love it and then there are people who don’t like it. But there is absolutely no denying the fact this film of Martin Scorsese takes enormous risks. In one of the scenes, Margot Robbie teases Leonardo DiCaprio so much that viewers can’t get enough of the steamy scene.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

If you haven’t watched the movie, waste no time reading about it here and just watch it. You can thank us later.