
New Census Data Shows Which Are the Least Welcoming Cities in America

Pueblo, Colorado

What connections do you have with Colorado? Are you referring to the Rocky Mountains? Are there any remarkable ski resorts? Are the river passages impressive? Indeed, these are the specific locations where you might expect to see such sights, such as Aspen, Colorado Springs, or Boulder. However, if you travel to Pueblo, you won’t encounter the same sights. Frequently referred to as the ‘Steel City,’ this location is renowned for being one of the nation’s leading steel manufacturers. However, despite the flourishing economy, there has been little improvement in the crime rate.


With a violent crime rate of approximately 1,052 incidents per 100,000 individuals, this high crime rate is deterrent for many people. Indeed, a significant number of people are leaving their homes in Pueblo with the goal of finding more secure residential areas.

Springfield, Missouri

Are you aware that there are a total of 67 cities named Springfield in the United States? However, of all the Springfields, only one can claim the distinction of being the original Springfield, and that honor belongs to Springfield, Missouri. Nevertheless, the festivities should come to a halt, given the city’s unfavorable reputation. People widely regard it as one of the most undesirable areas to reside in the United States due to its exceptionally high crime rate.


In 2017, the city had a crime rate of more than 40 violent crimes per 10,000 people, with property crime being particularly prevalent. In addition, the unemployment rate is also significantly elevated.

Lansing, Michigan

Are you aware that Lansing is Michigan’s official capital city? Consequently, numerous individuals opt to include this city in their list of desired experiences, particularly if they are from Michigan and take pride in their origins. However, despite the city’s pride in this achievement, it is undeniable that it has faced challenges throughout the years. Indeed, it has a significant prevalence of crime, unemployment, and poverty.


Nevertheless, the local authorities are diligently striving to rectify these injustices and are currently investing a substantial amount of money to transform this city into a flourishing Michigan metropolis.

Jacksonville, Florida

Florida, known as the Sunshine State, is a favored destination for visitors, retirees, and sun enthusiasts. However, the U.S. census data suggests that only cities like Orlando and Miami deserve such accolades, leaving Jacksonville out. Residents have criticized the city for its lack of vegetation and limited open areas.



Compounding the issue is the city’s meager annual expenditure of around $33 on parks, a paltry amount due to their scarcity. And that is enough to cause anyone distress.

Bakersfield, California

Upon observing the provided photograph, one may discern a depiction reminiscent of the conventional American suburban environment. However, despite their outward appearance of being spacious and well-constructed, numerous residences in Bakersfield, California, remain unoccupied as a result of the decrease in the local population. The high concentration of power plants in Bakersfield contributes to its status as one of the most polluted cities in the United States.



It appears that the remaining residents are also not particularly fond of living there. Bakersfield residents have consistently voted their city as the destination with the most subpar cuisine in the United States.

Flint, Michigan

Presumably, you expected this city to be included in the list, correct? The Flint water issue has established Flint, Michigan, as one of the most notorious cities in the United States. In 2014, more than 100,000 inhabitants were confronted with water that was contaminated with exceedingly elevated concentrations of lead and Legionella germs. Currently, the city is grappling with the lingering consequences of this catastrophic event.

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Additionally, Flint’s 41% poverty rate and elevated crime rate contribute to its status as one of the most unfavorable locations to reside in the United States.

Memphis, Tennessee

We probably don’t need to tell you that Memphis is one of the most well-known cities in the United States. Renowned for its musical heritage, this place is widely recognized as the cradle of the blues and rock & roll. Additionally, its culinary offerings are undeniably exceptional. As a result, it becomes a significant tourist attraction, which can have a highly negative impact on a city. Currently, it is grappling with an alarming poverty rate.

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There is a strong correlation between a high poverty rate and a high crime rate, and Memphis exhibits both of these characteristics. Despite its renowned status, the city undeniably faces numerous challenges.

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Connecticut is known for its quintessential New England allure, which captivates everyone with its picturesque autumn scenery adorned with vibrant orange foliage and an invigorating cool atmosphere. However, within the scenic splendor of Connecticut, there exists the city of Bridgeport, widely regarded as one of the most unfavorable places in the United States. The elevated crime rate is the primary cause, but notable urban revitalization efforts are reducing this rate.


However, many individuals who grew up in Bridgeport struggle to maintain their attachment to the community. Consequently, numerous individuals have relocated to other regions throughout the state.

Gary, Indiana

Upon initial observation, the city of Gary in Indiana may appear to be in a favorable condition. This government edifice appears majestic and significant, and one can’t help but appreciate it when the sun is radiantly illuminating it! However, beneath all those superficial aspects lies a city grappling with significant challenges, widely regarded as one of the most disadvantaged in the United States. That is primarily due to the fact that the majority of the individuals who previously resided in this location have subsequently abandoned it.



This city, once notorious for its high rates of homicide and drug-related crimes, continues to face significant challenges in terms of high unemployment rates and a pervasive poverty rate. Therefore, the majority of individuals simply depart.