
New Census Data Shows Which Are the Least Welcoming Cities in America

Huntington Park, California

Although California is frequently the initial destination for individuals seeking to personally experience the American ambition, achieving this ambition can be challenging, particularly in Huntington Park. The majority of the population in this city, around 97%, consists of Latino residents, a significant number of whom are undocumented immigrants. Consequently, a significant number of the residents are unable to engage in lawful employment. This phenomenon has resulted in a significant decrease in their income, placing them below the poverty threshold, and has consequently led to a steady rise in the crime rate over the course of several years.

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A significant portion of the residents in Huntington aspire to improve their quality of life, although they face considerable challenges in breaking free from their entrenched cycle of adversity. Hopefully, their situation improves.

Detroit, Michigan

Detroit, the birthplace of the modern vehicle, will forever hold a significant place in American history. The city boasts a wealth of cultural offerings, making it an obvious choice for many visitors. However, many regard it as one of the least desirable places to live in the United States. It appears that the economy has seen a significant transformation over the years, characterized by a growing number of enterprises failing, individuals experiencing job loss, and abandoned structures.


Consequently, some individuals have characterized Detroit as an exceedingly unattractive metropolis—and this is without even considering the alarming escalation of the crime rate.

Reno, Nevada

Reno is located near Las Vegas. However, the ambitious intentions to transform Reno into the next prominent destination for gambling and entertainment did not materialize as expected. Currently, people often refer to Reno as ‘Mini Las Vegas,’ and there is undoubtedly a group of individuals who fervently appreciate the alluring appeal of this small-town casino. Nevertheless, if one were to delve deeper into the cityscape, they would observe a multitude of unsuccessful enterprises and deserted structures, extending far beyond the realm of casinos and vibrant illuminations.


Given the low employment rate and high poverty rate, it is unsurprising to discover that crime is prevalent in Reno. Reno’s reputation as one of the most undesirable cities in the United States stems from this.

Hialeah, Florida

Are you aware that Hialeah is the sixth-most populous city in Florida? In addition, it possesses the second-highest percentage of Hispanic Americans among all communities in the United States. Regrettably, these individuals do not find it to be an ideal location for residence. In general, Hialeah experiences a high unemployment rate of 44%, with 31% of its people lacking health insurance and 26% living well below the poverty level.



As a result, many consider Hialeah to be among the least desirable cities in the United States. However, there is optimism that there will be a positive change in Hialeah in the coming years, allowing the locals to rekindle their affection for their city.

New Brunswick, New Jersey

While the Jersey Shore may be the first association that comes to mind when thinking of New Jersey, it is important to recognize that this state offers a plethora of other attractions and features. Despite the U.S. census data showing many remarkable cities in that area, New Brunswick does not qualify. People often regard it as one of the most disadvantaged areas in America, with a significant number of its citizens facing unemployment and living below the poverty threshold.


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In addition to that, the city has also grappled with violence in recent years. In 2017, the number of gun-related offenses surged by 64% within a single year.

North Miami, Florida

North Miami is located 10 miles northeast of Miami. Despite its southern counterpart’s renown as one of the most sought-after tourist spots in the entire United States, most individuals tend to avoid North MiaHowever, this is primarily due to its geographical position, not the individuals or the state of the economy. on. North Miami consistently grapples with severe flooding caused by high tides.

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An estimated 3,000 septic tanks face imminent failure due to the ongoing rise in sea levels. This has left many residents pondering the fate of all the human excrement.

Albany, Georgia

Natural calamities have undoubtedly adversely affected the United States of America throughout the years. Similarly to numerous other cities on our roster, Albany in Georgia has also experienced adversity. Not only did Albany face the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma in 2017, but it also faced a deadly tornado. This has a profound impact on the residents and economy of a city that is primarily dependent on agriculture.


Currently, over 30% of the population residing in Albany is experiencing poverty, leading to a significant number of individuals resorting to criminal activities in order to secure basic sustenance.

St. Louis, Missouri

Renowned for its magnificent Gateway Arch, its vibrant musical heritage, and its exceptionally devoted sports enthusiasts, St. Louis may come as a surprising inclusion on this list. However, while this Missouri city is a popular destination for tourists and travelers, the residents do not seem to experience the same enchantment as those who are simply passing through. Undoubtedly, the crime rate in St. Louis has escalated significantly over the years, posing a significant challenge.

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Gun violence is highly widespread in St. Louis; however, it appears that local administrations are making efforts to suppress such incidents. Therefore, let us anticipate that they will be able to rectify the situation over a period of time.

San Bernardino, California

If you lack knowledge of San Bernardino’s history, you may be unaware of the city’s significant renown in the fast food sector. This city was the location of the inaugural McDonald’s restaurant. However, despite this intriguing piece of information being a notable achievement, it appears that it has not been enough for San Bernardino to prosper in recent decades. Indeed, it is experiencing difficulties.


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More than 30% of the residents in this area are living in poverty, and a significant proportion of individuals are unable to secure employment to achieve their desired quality of life.