
New Census Data Shows Which Are the Least Welcoming Cities in America

Anderson, Indiana

In the past, Anderson, located in Indiana, was a prosperous industrial city. The area housed an impressive total of 24 General Motors factories, which provided employment for nearly all of the residents. The residents’ lives were generally uninteresting, revolving around their work in factories. However, when all these factories abruptly ceased operations, leaving around 23,000 individuals without employment, the city encountered significant challenges in restoring its stability. Since that time, it has persistently faced difficulties.

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Indeed, a significant number of people have opted to leave Anderson, to the point that the city had to allocate about $3 million in 2015 to destroy numerous vacant residences that were occupying excessive space.

Newark, New Jersey

Are you familiar with Newark, which is located in New Jersey? Despite the outward appearance of a prosperous urban center, this city has a hidden underbelly of sinister activities. Indeed, the events are occurring through the water conduits. This is because a significant number of Newark residents have become sick as a result of a high concentration of lead in the primary water supply. Furthermore, the onset of lead poisoning among individuals has a direct impact on your economy’s overall performance.


Regrettably, the difficulties do not cease at that point. Amidst escalating racial hostility, the crime rates continue to steadily rise each year, significantly affecting the city.

Jackson, Mississippi

The lack of comprehension by local authorities regarding the challenges faced by ordinary individuals has resulted in Jackson, Mississippi, being ranked among the worst cities to reside in the United States. Although this location boasts stunning architecture and a significant historical background, about 29% of its residents live in poverty. Several years ago, when 20,000 residents were facing difficulties in paying bills amounting to $45 million, the local administration issued a warning to terminate their water supply.

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Consequently, an increasing number of individuals have decided to abandon their residences and bid farewell to Jackson permanently. Furthermore, it is evident that this has had no positive impact on the economy.

Brownsville, Texas

If you’re wondering where Brownsville is on a map, it’s right on the border between Mexico and the United States. Consequently, this city serves as a primary entry point for several undocumented immigrants who aspire to achieve their American dream. Undoubtedly, the authorities possess precise knowledge of the occurrences in this location, which is why the city is under constant surveillance and patrolled by the police.


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Consequently, this has rendered the neighborhood more unattractive for potential residents, resulting in numerous homeowners grappling with exorbitant mortgage payments that are beyond their financial means. As a result, 31% of the residents live below the poverty threshold.

Hallandale, Florida

Upon initial observation, Hallandale appears to have the potential to be an attractive location. With its close proximity to pristine sandy beaches and several meandering canals, there is no doubt that this city has an undeniable allure. Nevertheless, the city has gained a notorious reputation, to the point that the residents have nicknamed it Hound-ale Beach. However, one may wonder what has led to this negative perception. Strip clubs are the primary establishments under consideration.


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Hallandale is characterized by a significant concentration of strip clubs, so much so that these facilities appear to dominate the city. The combination of limited job opportunities and the absence of career choices renders this city one of the most unfavorable in the United States.

Camden, New Jersey

Camden is not considered one of New Jersey’s great cities, according to U.S. census data. Despite the lack of natural disasters or significant factory closures, residents of this area receive relatively low wages. The median income for residents of Camden is slightly above $26,000, far lower than the national average. Many individuals are facing significant challenges in their daily lives.


Approximately 37% of the local population resides in poverty, and as the number of individuals facing food insecurity continues to rise, there is a corresponding increase in criminal activity. As a result, it is an unfavorable residential location.