Pregnant wife forces divorce over a horse; ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it too.’ AITA?


In this Reddit post, a woman, identified by the username “Throwawayequeste,” shares a dilemma concerning her husband’s attitude towards her daughter’s equestrian pursuits. She explains that her daughter, from a previous relationship, has a talent for horse riding, which the woman has supported by working multiple jobs to afford lessons. Initially, her husband was supportive, but his attitude shifted during their daughter’s high school years. The husband’s lack of support intensified when the woman became pregnant again, leading to marital strife.

As tensions between the couple escalate, the husband expresses a desire for divorce, prompting a discussion about custody arrangements. While the husband wishes to maintain joint custody, including their daughter, the woman asserts that he has no legal grounds to claim parental rights over her since he never formally adopted her. She argues that it would be unfair for him to divorce her and still benefit from their daughter’s upbringing without assuming the associated responsibilities.

The woman confronts her husband about his reluctance to support their daughter’s equestrian goals, which he attributes to concerns about expense and elitism. Despite her daughter’s inclination to please her stepfather, the woman believes that continuing her passion is best facilitated by living with her and not being subject to someone who actively opposes her aspirations. Seeking validation for her stance, the woman questions whether she is in the wrong for refusing to allow her husband to divorce her while still claiming the title of stepfather to their daughter.

Let’s start the story.


Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP’s post:

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit