Pregnant wife won't tell husband baby's gender; is called 'spiteful' and 'immature.'

AITA for refusing to tell my husband the gender of our baby after he skipped going to the dr appointment with me?


In this situation, the pregnant woman is refusing to tell her husband the gender of their baby after he repeatedly skipped attending doctor appointments with her, including the gender reveal appointment. Despite her husband’s indifference and prioritization of social activities over their pregnancy milestones, she allowed her mother to accompany her instead. When her husband demanded to know the baby’s gender after the appointment, she refused, citing his lack of involvement and commitment to their pregnancy journey. This decision has led to significant tension between them, with her husband and his family accusing her of playing mind games and being spiteful.

The wife maintains her stance that her husband forfeited his right to know the gender due to his consistent absence from important appointments. His attempt to obtain the information through other means, such as contacting her doctor, further escalated the conflict. As a result, their disagreement has extended beyond just the two of them, involving their families and intensifying the emotional strain between them.

Ultimately, while the wife’s actions are perceived as retaliatory by her husband and his family, she defends her decision as a consequence of his disinterest and prioritization of other activities over their pregnancy. The situation remains unresolved, highlighting deeper issues in their relationship regarding mutual support and involvement during this significant life event.

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Update from OP:


Here’s how people judged OP’s situation:

Styx-n-String writes:


Emotional_Fan_7011 writes:
