
Photos That Prove How DIY Arts and Crafts Projects Can Go Awry

Who Wouldn’t Want This

Facebook Marketplace is an excellent platform for selling arts and crafts; therefore, it is not unexpected to find do-it-yourself (DIY) things listed there. However, it’s accurate to say that this peculiar abomination completely caught us off guard. DespitDespite the creator’s evident passion, they maintained a certain level of realism in their depiction. , it will undeniably instill fear in someone throughout the nighttime hours.


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

The most frightening aspect of this arts and crafts disaster is undeniably the infant sling. The situation appears precarious, particularly due to the significant elevation.

A Hot Cheeto Mirror

If you have previously purchased a mirror, you are likely aware of its high cost. It is possible to spend $500 on a mirror, but such a high price does not seem reasonable. Therefore, why not undertake the task independently? Acquiring unadorned reflective glass and crafting a personalized enclosure are both highly convenient and cost-effective. However, it is advisable to refrain from pursuing such concepts. This individual successfully created a mirror with Hot Cheetos. Furthermore, the reason behind this remains uncertain.


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

Although this particular DIY project is undoubtedly unique, there is a reason why mirrors of this type are not available in physical retail locations. This is because it is quite terrifying and closely resembles raw meat.


Somebody Discovered Gorilla Glue

Have you ever experienced a discovery of such enormous importance that it fully influenced your sense of self for a duration of two months, until you eventually shifted your attention to a different area? It seems that the person who made this mirror has recently become familiar with Gorilla Glue. After acknowledging the adhesive’s remarkable ability to adhere objects, they choose to attach a diverse array of items, including those retrieved from the lost and found container, to the mirror. Consequently, the result was as follows:


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

Although it may be odd, what happens when misplaced goods owners come to retrieve them? It is probable that they will have to take the complete mirror back home.

A Little Bit of Bad Luck

We recognize the remarkable nature of this arts and crafts project, which would be well-suited for persons living in remote areas. While we acknowledge the self-reliant aspect of this project, we also need to inquire about the reasoning behind utilizing inverted horses. Indeed, people commonly associate inverted horseshoes with bringing disaster. Moreover, nobody wishes to experience adversity during the Christmas season.


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

However, we will grant this craftsman a small exception for this specific instance. If the horseshoes were reversed, their effectiveness would be diminished. Therefore, we will accept the unfortunate circumstances.

This Looks Uncomfortable

When executed properly, do-it-yourself projects can possess a high degree of romanticism. Increasingly, betrothed couples are opting to visit nearby jewelers to personally create their own wedding bands under the guidance of a skilled expert. However, it is clear that this individual did not seek the assistance of a professional. Indeed, while the sentiment underlying this ring is lovely, its actual design appears highly uncomfortable.


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

If you are unable to bring your fingers together while wearing a ring, then the ring is not for you. However, this individual persevered and successfully crafted a ring using a roller chain.

Take a Seat on the Jair

Arts and crafts are ideal for thrifty individuals who enjoy maximizing the use of their existing resources. Instead of discarding the chair as the upholstery began to tear and unravel, the owner opted to employ a do-it-yourself approach to resolve the issue. They collected all of their used denim pants and fashioned their own unique chair. Indeed, they built that chair from denim fabric!


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

While we do not oppose these do-it-yourself undertakings, the final outcome’s aesthetic appeal remains uncertain. We are undecided.

Oh, Baby

Presents come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but have you ever received a necklace adorned with miniature plastic infants as a gift? We will assume, based on the provided information, that you have not participated in this specific DIY craft activity, given its uncommon inclusion in most people’s list of activities. They adhere to conventional gifts, such as blankets, shell necklaces, or bedazzled cards. However, this baby necklace is undeniably unique and unprecedented.


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

Undoubtedly, a necklace adorned with miniature plastic infants is inherently eerie. However, the gaze of these infants adds an eerie element to the entire situation. What is their reason for appearing?

How Cheesy

It is likely that those who enjoy crafts will be divided into two groups when it comes to this cheese grater lamp. Some may find it the most clichéd thing they’ve ever seen, while others may love it. While we acknowledge the ingenuity involved in this do-it-yourself creation, we cannot help but question the rationale of not simply purchasing a new grater.


That’s it, I’m craft shaming (bad crafts only)

While the rusty appearance may appeal to certain homes, it is unlikely that many individuals would choose a rusty piece of metal placed on their cabinet. However, given the price of $15, we assume there is not much room for complaint.