
Royal Family Fashion Faux Pas That Were Recorded on Camera

When Diana Wore Body Armor

Despite Princess Diana’s challenges in establishing her role within the Royal Family, she effortlessly captured the adoration of her fans. The general public admired her benevolence and philanthropy, which was evident in 1997 when she journeyed to Angola to advocate against land mines in partnership with the Halo Trust. When this picture was published, both the press and the royal family reacted with great excitement and enthusiasm.


Anwar Hussein Collection/Getty Images

Despite the fact that this photograph deepened fans’ admiration for the People’s Princess, her choice to don body armor and pose for such an image appeared to imply her endorsement of a political position that is prohibited for members of the royal family.

When Kate May Have Worn Real Fur Gloves

An intriguing fact about Duchess Kate and Prince William is their shared passion for skiing. Occasionally, when they manage to find time for a family holiday, they choose to go to the mountains and indulge in skiing on the pristine snow. Although these excursions typically proceed smoothly, Kate encountered a predicament in 2016 when PETA raised concerns about the gloves she was wearing.


Samir Hussein/WireImage

While the fur’s authenticity remains unknown, PETA expressed strong disapproval of the idea of the Duchess adorning herself with such attire. Nevertheless, the Royal Family refrained from providing any comments regarding the subject.


When Harry Showed off the Holes in His Shoes

Despite Prince Harry’s decision to distance himself from the Royal Family and relinquish his role as a working royal, he remains exceedingly wealthy. That implies that he has an abundance of funds to purchase a new pair of shoes whenever his current ones become worn out. However, the observation in 2018 of him wearing shoes with holes in them demonstrates that even a prince of royal lineage is unwilling to part with his beloved pair.


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To compound the situation, he made the ill-advised choice of wearing these dilapidated shoes to a wedding, all while accompanied by Meghan Markle. Hopefully, he discarded them the following day.

When Kate Had to Stop Her Dress Blowing up

While it is permissible for female members of the Royal Family to wear pants, it is quite uncommon to observe Duchess Kate donning this particular garment. However, she typically chooses dresses and skirts, as they provide a more feminine appearance. However, although she consistently succeeds in making this fashion choice, at times the wind can provide a challenge for her. In 2016, Duchess Kate faced a precarious situation when the wind blew up her dress.


Danny Martindale/WireImage

Kate found herself in a situation reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, having to bend down to stop the wind from blowing her clothing up. Fortunately, she successfully caught the fabric before it could expose her to onlookers.

When Meghan Didn’t Wear Pantyhose

It is perhaps unnecessary for us to inform you that Meghan Markle is not the most popular member of the Royal Family. She has faced persistent criticism throughout the years, predating her marriage to Prince Harry. Indeed, she faced criticism upon the public announcement of their engagement. While several supporters admired her monochrome wardrobe choices for this declaration, others promptly observed that she had already violated royal protocols.


Karwai Tang/WireImage

Queen Elizabeth II, who has passed away, had a requirement for all members of the Royal Family to wear pants with gowns. However, it was evident that she did not adhere to this requirement when she wore this particular garment.

When Princess Diana Wrinkled Her Wedding Dress

Although Princess Diana’s wedding dress is no longer considered fashionable, there was a time when it was extremely popular. The puffed sleeves and voluminous material, reminiscent of 1980s fashion, gained immense popularity worldwide. Brides all over the world aspired to recreate the princess’s $115,000 gown and royal aesthetic. However, did you notice the dress’s remarkable wrinkling? This was not an intentional design element, but rather a consequence of her prolonged sitting in the carriage.


Jayne Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images

According to accounts, the dress designer felt lightheaded when observing the significant wrinkling of the dress. Furthermore, they were filled with a sense of horror upon realizing that the dress was quite dissimilar to their original intentions.

When Kate’s Midriff Was Exposed

Duchess Kate has frequently received accolades for her impeccable appearance and overall elegance. Indeed, a mere glance at her postpartum photographs reveals her unwavering commitment to maintaining a fashionable appearance at all times. However, there have been infrequent instances when she has deviated from her esteemed position, and one such occurrence took place in 2013 when she engaged in a volleyball match against her spouse at a media event. While supporters were appreciative of her athletic abilities, their admiration waned as her shirt became exposed.


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Naturally, the majority of individuals comprehend that such an action would lead to a fashion mistake, yet the media promptly criticized the Duchess for revealing an excessive amount of skin.

When Meghan’s Skirt Became See-Through

When you put on garments in the fitting rooms, it is difficult to anticipate their appearance in actual conditions and under natural sunlight. In 2023, Meghan Markle encountered a negative circumstance when she exposed her body for a picture opportunity, despite the availability of equally fashionable and modest clothing options. Meghan wore a pleated Givenchy skirt that initially appeared modest, but she failed to consider the impact of the sun on it.


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Unfortunately, the sun made the entire object transparent, revealing her bare legs and the undergarments underneath. Unsurprisingly, the traditionalist Royal Family did not react favorably to this.

When Kate’s Underwear Shone Through Her Dress

While a garment may appear impressive and conservative under natural lighting conditions, its appearance might drastically change when exposed to the bright and rapid flashes of cameras. Duchess Kate learned this via personal experience when she donned this black dress more than ten years ago. When the paparazzi’s powerful lights illuminated Kate, they also revealed the transparent underwear she was wearing beneath her dress.


Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Upon the publication of these images in newspapers, certain admirers expressed their outrage at the sight of the new Duchess donning such provocative attire. Nevertheless, it was never her goal to wear clothing of this nature.