
Royal Family Fashion Faux Pas That Were Recorded on Camera

When Princess Anne Wore This Pantsuit

Princess Anne is not renowned for her dress sense. Although her dress selections have seldom been poor, they have also seldom been revolutionary. However, it is undeniable that she generated a significant amount of attention when she donned this pantsuit in 1973. Indeed, her choice to don a blue linen pantsuit was so astonishing that it garnered global attention and made headlines for her sartorial preferences.


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While many women now wear pantsuits, it wasn’t customary for a member of the Royal Family during the 1970s. Certain individuals deemed the attire unsuitable.

When Prince William Wore Holey Shoes

Prince William, the current heir to the throne, attracts significant attention whenever he ventures outside. The press and the public meticulously analyze every aspect of his demeanor and attire, which is why the global community was astounded when he appeared at the World Economic Forum in 2019 donning shoes with visible holes. Indeed, he appeared to proudly display these attributes during his interview with David Attenborough.


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Despite the audience’s desire to hear their conversation, the majority of individuals were preoccupied with the conspicuous gap in the sole of William’s footwear. How did he get permission to leave the palace like this?


When Diana Wore a Low-Cut Dress

Princess Diana captivated everyone’s attention in 1981. She married Prince Charles that year, and it was during that year that she gained significant public attention. Consequently, Diana became the center of attention, with numerous journalists and paparazzi eagerly anticipating any misstep or disruptive incident from her. Regrettably, Diana experienced this mishap when she chose to wear a strapless gown to a royal ceremony.


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While the woman was standing up, the dress appeared to be quite modest. However, as she exited the car, she unintentionally revealed cleavage. When these photographs were circulated, supporters expressed their displeasure.

When Kate Wrinkled Her Dress

Every member of the Royal Family makes sure to thoroughly press and steam their garments before any public appearance. However, this does not imply that the clothes would remain free of wrinkles for the entire day. In 2023, Duchess Kate demonstrated this fact when she visited Center Court at Wimbledon. Following an extended period of sitting and observing tennis, her previously pressed outfit became exceedingly creased.


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Despite the difficulty in preventing it, some enthusiasts expressed concerns about the duchess’s decision to wear a wrinkle-prone cloth during an event that required extended periods of sitting.

When Diana Wore a See-Through Skirt

Although the majority of the Royal Family make excellent efforts to prevent fashion mishaps, there are instances where such incidents are unforeseeable. In 1980, a photograph of Princess Diana during her charitable work at a nursery brought her to this realization. She wore a long-sleeved shirt, a knitted vest, and a knee-length skirt at the event. Upon initial observation, it appeared to be exceedingly unpretentious and appropriate for someone who would soon become a member of the royal family.


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However, as sunlight illuminated Diana, it caused her entire skirt to become transparent, revealing her legs beneath. The media extensively used these photographs, as one would expect.