
Easy Hot Glue Gun Hacks for Everyone to Try

DIY a Makeshift Drain Stopper

There is no activity more soothing than taking a warm bath filled with bubbles after a tiring day at work. However, have you ever found yourself in a predicament where you have misplaced your bathtub plug? Devoid of the crucial instrument, it is nearly impracticable to immerse oneself in water that adequately submerges the heels. However, it is worth noting that a balloon and hot glue may serve as the solution you have been seeking.

DIY a Makeshift Drain Stopper

5-Minute Crafts

To achieve a watertight seal, one can inject hot glue into a balloon and shape it to fit the drain before the glue solidifies.

Make Your Own Coasters

If you invest in costly furniture, the least desirable outcome is the presence of water stains on its surface. Although it is possible to resolve this issue by abstaining from consuming water, we believe that your body would not express gratitude for such a decision. Therefore, it may be advisable to consider purchasing coasters. However, there is no need for you to physically visit a store and make a purchase, as the sole requirement is to get a glue gun, wool, and felt.

Make Your Own Coasters

The Studio

By adhering the wool onto the felt in a spiral configuration, you will be able to expeditiously create your own coasters. Certainly, you have the option to select your own color scheme as well.


You can make your own glue seal stamps.

If you are preparing for a wedding and desire to use a traditional seal stamp to close your invites, then you have found the appropriate source. Instead of purchasing a wax seal set and pretending to be in a medieval movie, there exists a simpler and more cost-effective method to get the same outcome. To accomplish this, simply replace the wax set with a hot glue gun and colored glue.

Create Your Own Glue Seal Stamps


After selecting the desired color of glue, apply a small amount onto the envelope and proceed to imprint it with the design of your preference using a stamp. The ultimate responsibility for that decision rests entirely with you.

Fix Your Broken Vases

Vases serve as an ideal household embellishment. They can function as a utilitarian addition to a household that has an affinity for flowers, or they can simply serve as ornamental pieces. However, if you possess a propensity for inadvertently toppling objects, it is likely that you have encountered a few shattered vases throughout your lifetime. Although you may have just discarded the parts, it is unnecessary to do so!

Fix Your Broken Vases

Kintsugi is a traditional Japanese technique for repairing shattered pottery by rejoining the pieces with gold. However, achieving a similar effect may be easily accomplished by utilizing adhesive infused with gold. The final outcome appears aesthetically pleasing.

Replace Nails With Hot Glue

Managing the multitude of decorations that need to be hung on the walls can be challenging due to the abundance of holidays and special occasions throughout the year. Ultimately, there is a limited number of nails that can be driven into the wall before it starts resembling a pinboard. However, what if we informed you that it is unnecessary to utilize nails for the purpose of hanging decorations? Indeed, all that is required are hot glue and tape.

Replace Nails With Hot Glue

To affix the decorations to the wall, you can apply hot glue on the tape instead than directly to the wall. Subsequently, you can effortlessly remove the tape once you have finished.

Design a Quirky Wallet

If you are an individual who enjoys engaging in artistic and creative activities, you are likely constantly seeking novel and stimulating projects to undertake. Although unconventional, I suggest you attempt to create your own adhesive wallet. It is always advantageous to possess a surplus of wallets, as the possibility of misplacing one is unpredictable. Additionally, you have the option to present this as a gift to a friend or family member on their birthday.

Design a Quirky Wallet


An optimal approach to finish this do-it-yourself project is to apply adhesive in a circular manner around a pre-existing wallet. Once the adhesive has cooled, you can detach the previous wallet and get the desired shape.

Fix Your Broken Earrings

Approximately 80-90% of women in the United States have undergone ear piercing, and a significant number of individuals opt to wear earrings on a daily basis. However, the amount you spend on your earrings can determine the likelihood of encountering certain difficulties. Given their delicate and diminutive characteristics, numerous earrings succumb to breakage within a mere few months of usage – and it appears regrettable to discard them. Fortunately, you are not required to do so!

Fix Your Broken Earrings

If you are able to retain the backs and the primary component of the earring, you can easily repair them with a small amount of hot glue.

Keep extra glue on hand.

A hot glue gun offers numerous solutions to various difficulties, although it undeniably possesses one drawback: its reliance on electrical power. Although this is not a problem when you are at home with access to electricity, there might be a case where you urgently require adhesive during a power outage or an emergency. However, there exists a solution to circumvent this issue.

Keep Some Spare Glue Handy

The Krazy Coupon Lady

To ensure that you have glue readily available during a power outage, you can apply a small amount of adhesive onto a few matches. Merely employ a candle or an alternative match to re-liquefy it.

Create Some Bespoke Artwork

If you feel a strong attraction towards the art world, you may have a penchant for exploring various artistic mediums. Indeed, while pencils or conventional watercolor paints are viable options, if you are seeking an alternative artistic endeavor, why not consider experimenting with melted crayon art? Contrary to popular belief, hot glue guns are not limited to working just with hot glue. In addition, they have the ability to utilize crayons, resulting in a quite impressive outcome.

Create Some Bespoke Artwork

Despite the potential for creating a significant amount of disorder, melted crayons possess the ability to adhere to any type of surface, and they are available in a wide array of hues. Therefore, we firmly believe that the clean-up that follows is unquestionably worthwhile.