These 30+ Cat Hacks That Will Make Every Cat Owner’s Life Easier
Make Some Space
When you work at your desk, your cat might not be the epitome of productivity. In fact, they might try to nap on your keyboard or notes while you’re working.

Cats often just want to be close to you and can be quite determined. Instead of fighting for space, it’s sometimes easier to give them a spot of their own. Adding a little box for them to rest in can help you both coexist more peacefully.
DIY Puzzle Toys
This is surprisingly simple. You just need some of your cat’s existing toys, a few treats, and a reusable container large enough to hold them.

Simply cut holes in the lid of the container and place the toys and treats inside. However, using a knife can leave jagged edges that might hurt your cat’s paws. To avoid this, use heat to soften the edges and make them smoother.
Grow Your Own Catnip
If there’s one thing almost all cats can’t resist, it’s catnip. This treat is both tasty and rewarding for your cats, making it an exciting addition to their playtime.

If you want to offer your cats catnip whenever they want, consider growing some yourself. Even if you’re not an expert gardener, it’s relatively easy to grow. You can give it to your cats fresh or prepare it as a dried treat.
Catnip Toy
You can buy toys filled with catnip designed to keep your cat engaged even after the initial novelty wears off.

All you need for this is an old pair of baby socks and a simple sewing kit. First, make sure the catnip is dried if it isn’t already. Then, fill the sock with catnip and sew it shut. If you’re not confident in your sewing skills, you can simply tie the sock in a knot instead!
Play with Paws
This hack works best if you start it when you first get your cat. However, it can be easier to execute with some cats than others.

When playing with your cat, avoid harassing them, but try to gently touch their feet as much as they’ll tolerate. The goal is to get your cat accustomed to having their feet handled, which will make nail clipping easier later on.
Use Their Love of Boxes
Cats love having a place to hide and curl up. Instead of a den in the wild, most cats turn to cat houses in their homes. You can make one yourself, too.

Just grab a box and cut out a door so your cat can come in and out. For added comfort, place a blanket or pet bed inside to make the bottom softer. Now you have a cozy cat house with no extra cost!
Give Them a Window Seat
There are plenty of things that can keep your cat busy throughout the day, and some of them require no extra effort on your part.

If your cat chattters at birds or enjoys people-watching, give them a window seat to hang out in. It provides a comfortable spot for them to rest and a free source of entertainment.
Add a Bird Feeder
Speaking of cats who enjoy bird-watching, there’s a simple hack that can benefit both you and your cat.

Adding a birdfeeder outside your window is a great way to support local wildlife. It will attract birds near the window for your cat to watch, and since there’s a window between them, you don’t have to worry about any birds getting hurt.
Benefits of a Shallow Plate
While we love these little guys and their cleverness, some cats seem to struggle with their technique at dinnertime.

Some cats eat so quickly that they end up vomiting their food shortly after. To prevent this, try using a wider, shallower plate instead of a deeper dish at feeding time. This also helps reduce whisker fatigue.
Brush Them Daily
If you want your cats to shed less, there’s not much you can do to stop the process — it’s natural and necessary.

On the other hand, there are ways to keep less fur from ending up on your clothes and carpet. By taking time each day to brush your cat, you can catch more of the shedding hair at the source and keep their coat in good condition.
Staying Hydrated
Some cats don’t visit the water fountain as much as they should. So, anything you can do to promote better hydration is great for their health.

There are a few ways to ensure your cat stays hydrated. Wet food is an excellent option, and you can even add extra water to it. If your cat prefers dry food, adding a bit of water can create a hydrating “soup” to help with their fluid intake.
Another Tip
You might also notice your cat drinking more water if you switch from a bowl to a running water fountain. Cats are naturally drawn to running water, making fountains a great option to encourage them to stay hydrated.

As a result, cats are more likely to drink more from a running source like a fountain than from a bowl of still water next to their food. This is also helpful if you have a cat that loves to steal faucet water!
Create Plenty of Accessible Spaces
Does your cat seem more stressed when you host a dinner party? Cats aren’t always eager to meet new people, especially in large groups, which can make them feel anxious.

To help alleviate your cat’s stress, ensure they have plenty of accessible hiding spots around the house. Don’t confine them to the living room, as they might prefer to stay away from the commotion. Use shelves, DIY cat houses, and boxes to create safe spaces where they can retreat and feel secure.
Another Way to Get Rid of Hair
If you do your hair with hairspray, you can actually find another use for this household product to help you out.

Spraying a towel with hair spray and wiping down the fabric covered in cat hair, you can pick up the pet hair with ease. Then, all you have to do is wash the towel. This method should pick up any loose lint, too.
Tackling Bathtime
Cats don’t need baths as often as dogs. However, whether it’s a mischief-born mess, a litter box mishap, or health issue, cats occasionally need help from their humans. With their claws out, though, bath time can be a painful hassle.

The bathtub can be really intimidating to a cat, so one way to help make it less stressful for them and less painful for you is to bathe them in a sink instead.
Play Before Bed
Your sleep schedule might not line up perfectly with your cat’s. Still, you might not want to be awakened throughout the night by them. An excellent way to enrich them and tire them out is to take some time to play with them before bed.

If you try to work 20 minutes or so into your routine each night to play with your cats, you’ll have a better chance of getting a full night’s sleep. Plus, it’s a good way to bond with your cat.