Stay-at-home-mom wants to divorce husband after he calls her a 'tradwife.' AITA?

“WIBTA for wanting to divorce my (39F) because he (41M) calls me a tradwife?”


From an outsider’s perspective, it’s understandable for OP to feel deeply hurt and betrayed by her husband’s actions. Discovering that he had been portraying her as a “tradwife” online without her knowledge or consent is a breach of trust and a distortion of their relationship dynamics. It’s clear that OP had never agreed to conform to traditional gender roles and had always envisioned an equal partnership with her husband.

The fact that her husband initially dismissed her concerns and only took action when confronted speaks volumes about his lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation. While he claims it started as a joke and got out of hand, the extent to which he went to present OP in a certain light online is unsettling.

OP’s feelings of anger and betrayal are valid, and it’s important for her to take the time she needs to process this betrayal and decide what steps to take next. Divorce may seem like a drastic measure, but it’s ultimately up to OP to determine whether she can rebuild trust in her marriage after such a breach. Open and honest communication between OP and her husband will be crucial in navigating this difficult situation and determining the best path forward for both of them, especially considering their young daughter.

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