“WIBTA if I cancelled our wedding?”

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

The author, who got engaged to their dream man in April 2019, decided to keep their wedding small and only invite close friends and family. However, they had four other siblings who they only “talk” to. This led to a disagreement with their fiancee’s side of the family, who threatened to not help pay for the wedding. The author’s mother has since fallen out with one sibling and wants to invite someone she has no relationship with. The author’s mother has threatened to cancel the wedding unless the author invites the fiancee’s family. The author is now over the situation and is not looking forward to planning the wedding. They suggest canceling the wedding and eloping, and the author will keep everyone updated on their decision.
“AITA for fighting with my wife about my mom in front of our child?”
“My MIL doesn’t have female friend”😯