WIBTA if I told everyone coming to my X-mas party to remove their shoes?

WIBTA if I told everyone coming to my X-mas party to remove their shoes?

While the intention behind a shoe-free home is understandable, guests may have varying comfort levels with such requests. Concerns about personal hygiene, financial status, and cultural norms can influence how individuals feel about taking off their shoes. Some guests may worry about having smelly feet or embarrassing footwear, while others might have health issues that make removing shoes challenging. This complexity highlights the importance of considering guests’ perspectives when hosting.


whatevercms2mnd writes:


Feedback from others has illuminated additional points for consideration. Some argue that hospitality should prioritize making guests feel at ease over adhering to personal cleanliness standards. They suggest that offering alternatives, such as shoe covers, could be a more inclusive approach. Additionally, addressing underlying dynamics in the home, such as household chores and expectations, can enhance the overall atmosphere of the gathering. Ultimately, while it’s important to maintain a clean home, fostering a welcoming environment that accommodates all guests’ comfort levels is key to successful hosting. Balancing personal preferences with the needs of guests can create a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.


This is what you take away from the story.

The author is hosting an X-mas party for their family and is planning to have everyone remove their shoes before entering the house. They have a basket of slippers by the door and invite everyone to bring them home after the party. The author’s partner is arguing that they are being an A-hole, as they don’t allow shoes in the house and have two cats that eat dirt and debris.

The author is giving out slippers but is unsure if they are being an A-hole for expecting the rules of their home to be followed. The author apologizes for the joke and emphasizes that they are the ones who always clean, not implying that a man is incapable of cleaning.

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