30+ Shocking Transformations: People Who Took Plastic Surgery to the Next Level

20. Sahar Tabar The Angelina Jolie Look-Alike

Sahar Tabar, an Iranian influencer, deceived people into believing she underwent extensive plastic surgery to resemble Angelina Jolie. However, it wasn’t long before people noticed that she had used a lot of Photoshop and makeup to get this effect.

Sahar Tabar The Angelina Jolie Look-Alike

In 2019, Tabar was caught for illegally obtaining money, encouraging violence, and not following the national dress code.

21. Twins Who Had Identical Surgeries

Two Swedish twins named Emma and Sarah Koponen got plastic surgery for $25,000. They work as booth girls. They always wished they looked like the girls with big breasts, so they tried to switch things up.

Twins Who Had Identical Surgeries

To maintain their appearance, they always get the same treatments. Aside from having teeth and lip fillers, the twins have both had three breast augmentations and nose jobs.

22. Real-Life Jessica Rabbit

Penny Brown is a fantasy model. In 2012, she started training in corsets to achieve the figure of Jessica Rabbit. Breast implants have raised Brown’s cup size to an O.

Real-Life Jessica Rabbit

Brown says that her waist has always been smaller, but she wanted to make her body appear more extreme, so she used corsets and had surgery to do it. With so many tight corsets on, she lost 15 inches around her waist, but the procedure carries many risks. Since it is possible to move your innards inside your body, this style stopped being popular in the Victorian era.

23. Kim Kardashian Look-Alike

A lot of people are crazy about Kim Kardashian because she is so beautiful. Claire Leeson from Essex, England, is one of those people who are ready to do anything to look like her.

Kim Kardashian Look-Alike

She spent a cool $23,000 on breast implants, butt pads, and fillers to look like Kim, but she now feels awful about it. Because she gets so much hate online, people no longer take her seriously.

24. Artist Turned Plastic Surgery Into Performance Art

She was born in 1947 and changed her name to Orlan in 1971. People know her for the performance art she does in Paris, New York, and Los Angeles. Orlan undergoes plastic surgery to challenge societal standards of beauty for women.

Artist Turned Plastic Surgery Into Performance Art

She once changed her face shape to look like a giraffe. Furthermore, she views the alteration of her body as a form of artistic expression. She always said that the reason she had plastic surgery wasn’t to make herself look better but to question what beauty is.

25. He Had A Serious Case Of Bieber Fever

In 2012, everyone aspired to look like Justin Bieber, the teen star. This individual invested a significant amount of money to resemble the popular star.

He Had A Serious Case Of Bieber Fever

Sheldon underwent six hair transplants and lip surgery to look like Bieber. He sadly died in 2015, before he could finish his full change.

26. Had Enhancements To Resemble Madonna

If you love RuPaul’s Drag Race as much as we do, you will remember Venus D Lite or Adam Guerra from season three. Even though he didn’t make it very far in the race, he was a memorable drag queen because he looked a lot like Madonna.

Had Enhancements To Resemble Madonna

To get this look, Guerra had 18 surgeries and spent $200,000 on them. He also spent $100,000 on outfits, but we admire how hard he worked at impersonating someone else.

27. These Twins Wanted To Look Like Brad Pitt

We already told you that Brad Pitt has an easy-to-copy look. Since he has been famous for a long time, there are many looks that you can copy.

These Twins Wanted To Look Like Brad Pitt

Twins Mike and Matt Schlep spend a lot of money trying to look like Brad Pitt. They even appeared on an episode of MTV’s “I Want a Famous Face.”

28. He Wanted To Look Like Ryan Gosling For More Auditions

As Nicolas Ryan found out when he tried to look like Ryan Gosling, the path to becoming a famous person doesn’t always go as planned.

He Wanted To Look Like Ryan Gosling For More Auditions

Nicolas Ryan, who aspires to be an actor, told himself that he would emulate Ryan Gosling’s appearance in order to secure better roles. He was disappointed that the results weren’t what he had hoped for.

29. Lady Gaga Is Her Biggest Inspiration

Lady Gaga makes a lot of people feel good. She has a beneficial lesson about loving yourself and being proud of who you are. She is also a fashion model, and her fans love to copy her excellent looks.

Lady Gaga Is Her Biggest Inspiration

Donna Trego is a huge fan of Lady Gaga. She has spent $60,000 to dress like a singer and attends many of her shows. She even performs memorial shows once in a while.