'AITA for 'ruining' my mum's engagement party after she abandoned me when I was 11?'

“AITA for ‘ruining’ my mum’s engagement party after she abandoned me when I was 11?”



The author (17M) has a strained relationship with their mother (35F), who was strict and helicopter parent, and they fought over grades and school troubles. After six years, the author’s grades dropped, and they were kicked out of school. The author’s mother moved on with her life, studying and working, and they became estranged.

Three years ago, the author’s mother started dating a widower with two daughters, who treated her like their own and called her “mummy.” The author refused to attend the engagement party, but the mother thought it wouldn’t ruin the perfect picture of her new family. The author made it a point to go to the party and called out her behavior.

The author tried to confront her but was criticized for making her daughters cry and ruining the engagement party. Paul kicked the author and their dad out, saying they wouldn’t be allowed to the wedding unless the author called and apologized. The author’s dad agrees she had it coming after abandoning a young child at an age when they needed their mother.

So, if you could give the OP any advice here, what would you say?

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