“AITA for walking out of my birthday dinner after my sister and her boyfriend’s announcement?”



A 16-year-old girl was celebrating her birthday when her sister and her boyfriend announced they were getting married. She was surprised to receive a “Will you be my Maid of Honor?” card from her sister and her boyfriend, who had already announced their engagement. The girl was confused and decided to walk out of the party, but her dad took her out for ice cream and conversation.
The girl’s mother and sister criticized her for wasting money and time, while her sister and her boyfriend argued that her birthday was more important than her wedding. The girl’s father argued with her mom about the importance of planning a wedding and that it should be handled by an adult.
The girl’s sister started crying, and her mom called her a brat and a disgrace for not helping her sister out. The girl is now staying at her grandparents’ house until things calm down at home. Her dad is trying to sort her out, and her other grandparents are talking with her.
The girl is not going to be her Maid of Honor or bridesmaid, as she is a bad person. She is not sure if she will attend her sister’s wedding, and her grandparents are considering divorcing or taking a break from her mom due to the toxic environment she and her sister create. The girl feels lost and uncertain about her decision to attend her sister’s wedding.
So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?
AITA for skipping New Years Eve at my child free sister’s? 🎉
“AITA for giving my wedding guests a dress code?” 😞