AITAH for finding someone else when wife opened our relationship?


In a complex and emotionally charged situation, a 29-year-old man finds himself grappling with the consequences of an open marriage he agreed to with his 30-year-old wife. The wife proposed the idea of an open relationship after seven years of marriage, an idea that initially made the husband uncomfortable. Despite his reservations, he ultimately agreed, driven by her insistence and the desire to accommodate her wishes.


The couple established several boundaries for their open relationship, including prioritizing the spouse over other partners, using protection, avoiding bringing other partners into their shared home, and limiting emotional connections with outside partners. Despite these guidelines, the husband struggled with the emotional aspects of the arrangement, as he is inherently more emotional and sensitive than his wife.

As time passed, the wife quickly found a new partner, while the husband, after overcoming initial self-doubt, successfully connected with a woman who showed significant interest in him. However, as he developed a deep emotional connection with this new partner, he found himself increasingly distant from his wife. The emotional and physical distance grew to a point where he felt that his relationship with his wife had become more like a friendship than a romantic partnership.

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Image credits: pixabay (not the actual photo)

In a recent discussion, the husband expressed his desire for a divorce, feeling that continuing in the open relationship would only prolong the inevitable misery. His wife, on the other hand, was devastated by the decision, suggesting couples counseling as a way to address their issues. She viewed his choice as abandoning their shared life for a temporary fling.

The situation raises questions about the challenges of navigating open relationships, particularly when emotional connections and marital satisfaction are impacted. While the husband’s decision to seek a divorce might seem extreme to some, it reflects a complex interplay of personal boundaries, emotional needs, and relationship dynamics that are difficult to reconcile.

In summary, the husband’s choice to pursue a divorce rather than continue in an open relationship where he feels emotionally disconnected from his wife has led to a painful and contentious situation. The husband is now faced with the task of managing the fallout from his decision, while his wife struggles to understand and accept the outcome.

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Woman opens marriage; gets upset when husband forms connection with partner. AITA?
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