Employee’s Good Brandy Kept Disappearing, So He Got Revenge by Replacing It with Something Else

Reddit Comments:
MgoSamir said:

walker_strange said:

thetruesupergenius said:

In the 1980s, a factory worker in Eastern Europe was known for stealing brandy from his locker. The lockers were easy to access without a key, and the next day, he would find his brandy missing. To avoid theft, he set up a trap for thievery. He filled an empty bottle with urine from his locker and locked it back to his locker.
The next day, people from the previous shift were still there, and he noticed the bottle was missing. He asked for a medical check, fearing he might have an urinary infection. One of the workers turned red and yelled at him for leaving urine in a brandy bottle, fearing someone might mistakenly drink it. The locker was never robbed again, and the man became a piss drinker.