“I don’t want to introduce my GF to my parents because I know they will body shame her.”



The narrator is dating a woman with an eating disorder, who has been dating for two years and is planning to move in together. The narrator’s parents have antiquated views about a woman’s weight, and the narrator is unsure how to handle the situation. The narrator’s girlfriend has been an athlete her whole life, competing at a national level and graduating with Latin Honors. Her weight is a major sticking point for her, and she is sensitive about it.


The narrator is unsure how to handle the situation with their parents, who have sexist views and may not like her. The narrator is unsure of how to handle the situation, whether to call the parents beforehand, or let her walk out if necessary. The narrator is scared about the embarrassment and the potential embarrassment of introducing the girl to their parents.

What do YOU make of OP’s story? Any advice for him in this situation?


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